Frequently Asked Questions
Please Read Procedure Info For More Detailed Information
How Long Is The Procedure ?
This depends on many factors. I will spend as much time needed with each guest . If you are indecisive on the
pre-design we will take the time to make it perfect before actually tattooing. You also will have a
guest before you, and they could be taking longer than average. I will never rush anyone in the room, because of this I ask each scheduled guest to make sure they have a clear day to be able to take the time perfecting their session.
How Do I Book?
This Information is located on the booking tab above.
What Session Do I Need?
- If you are a new guest you will book a First Session.
-If you are a guest that has previous tattoo from another technician you are ineligible for service.
-If you have only had one session with S/W but need detail added you will book a Detail Session,
How Long Will My Tattoo Last?
This information can no be properly given as their are to many factors that will determine this. How well you care for them directly after the tattoo will have a huge impact on the longevity. How well you care for them continually throughout the lifetime of the tattoo will also have an effect. Your medications, hair care products, facial products, makeup, sun exposure and so much more will determine the longevity. Anything that has an exfoliating property will lighten the tattoo over time.
How Will I Know When I need a Booster?
The tattoo will eventually lighten tremendously. You will be left with the base color of the pigment which could result in a really warm tattoo color or a really ashy tattoo color. If you have faded to a warm or ashy tone it will be time for a touch up to implant your neutral shades again.